Department of Pharmacology

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Pharmacology is the science concerned with all aspects of the action of drugs and other chemicals on living systems. Its primary aim is the discovery of chemical mechanisms by which cellular and molecular functions are regulated for the purpose of understanding how existing drugs act and to develop new drugs for treatment and diagnosis of human diseases. The discipline of pharmacology explores biology through the actions of drugs and chemical substances. Drugs and chemicals produce their effects only through modifications of underlying biological systems; their actions are useful in regulating not only normal functions of cells and organisms but also the abnormal processes which occur in disease. The broad scope of interests of pharmacology ranges from the study of intermolecular reactions of chemical constituents of cells with drugs to the effects of drugs and established therapeutic agents on mammalian physiological organ systems.

Professional pharmacologists tend toward careers in basic research and teaching in academia, in conducting innovative research in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry or for government laboratories and in ensuring the safety of drugs and chemicals through work at government agencies. Regardless of where one is employed, it is critical to have knowledge in genomics, proteomics, cell and molecular biology, integrated systems and chemistry.

Salient Features Of Department :

  • Highly qualified and experienced staff.
  • Well equipped laboratories with modern facility.
  • The laboratories of pharmacology department are elegant with all safety measures. The laboratories provide facilities for the students to carry out all types of pharmacological Invivo and Invitro screening activities.
  • The department of pharmacology is well known for its research activities and its well maintained animal house is approved by central government body CPCSEA.
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